Tips To Cope With Pain

Tips To Cope With Pain Waist

Low back pain is a common complaint in everyday life days..and often become an important issue because it could lead to patients no activity .some people this is usually.But if this happens continuously be disturb do not very good

Cope With Pain Waist

This I will explain tips to overcome pain waist:

  • Exercise or sports regular exercise can relax stiff muscles.
  • Always sitting / bent too lightly and movement direction that is different.
  • Hot painful parts with warm water for 15 minutes, scrub with warm beige, on
  • Eat containing protein,vegetables,broccoli,spinach, kale,and green leaves that contain vitamin B.  
  • Eat fruits that contain natural enzymes for back pain, such as watermelon, papaya kiwi. protect surrounding tissue inflammation cells by consuming carrots are rich in antioxidants and vitamins c ginger natural anti-inflammatory.
  • To avoid vegetables such as eggplant, potato, tomato and pepper the sick.

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