Herbal Medicine :Benefit Lime For Health Beauty Skin And Hair

Benefits lime is already unquestionable. A myriad of properties contained in this sour fruit from the start as a herbal medicine, as well as a beauty ingredient. As a matter of natural beauty treatment, lime is often used to treat skin, face and hair.

While traditional medicine, lime trusted and proven to cure various diseases. Among them is the disease cough, sore throat and also helps digestion. Further explanation can be read in the article: Benefits of Lime for Health.

Lime Health Benefits for Hair

Benefit Lime
The content of vitamin B in orange indispensable to fertility hair. No wonder our ancestors utilize lime as an ingredient for hair care.

Benefit Lime  Hair fertilize

Rice straw taste, burn to ashes. Prepare 1 lemon, squeeze, take the water. Soak rice straw with water and leave it overnight, then filtered. Add the lime juice, and use it to wash the scalp with a massage. Do it every day. The herb can help nourish the hair.

Overcoming Hair Loss

Take a lemon and squeeze to take water. Then apply on the scalp until evenly distributed. Let stand overnight, and the next wash with water. Perform up to several days. This is one of the traditional ways to cope with hair loss.

Benefit Lime For Health Eliminates dandruff

Squeeze the water, rub lemon juice on the hair and scalp. Let dry for 20-30 minutes, then Wash. Perform two to three times. This method is very effective for eliminating dandruff from the hair and scalp.

Efficacy Lime for Beauty Skin

Not just beneficial for the hair, lemon is also beneficial for skin beauty care. Starting from eliminating acne, black spots on the face, to brighten the skin. Here is an explanation of how to treat them.

Eliminating Acne on Face

Prepare 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and mix with 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix well. After wrapping apply on face and then let sit for 30 minutes until or until dry. After wipe dry with a towel soaked in cold water.

Eliminating Dark Spot

Prepare a lemon, cut in half and rub it into the face gently. Wait for it to dry, wash face with warm water and then rinse with cold water. Do it regularly, but avoid the use jeruknipis on the skin which is being wound caused by acne because it can cause burning to the skin, apply and massage do enough in parts that you need. If done regularly, then the black spots on the face will soon be gone.

Shrink and tighten pores

Thin slices of lemon, rub the meat on the skin, especially in the area around the nose and cheeks pores look larger.

Soften and brighten the skin.

Thin slices of lemon. Rub lemon slices on the face and other body parts that skin looks dull or rough. Besides being able to smooth the skin in this way can also help brighten the skin and whiter.

Relaxation skin

To reduce the tension in the muscles of the arms, legs, or other body parts. Thin slices of lemon, squeeze the water, and add a little water and stir well. Then, rub on the body feels sore. Or, by immersing the part stiffness in lime juice that has been mixed with warm water in a small bucket.

Other benefits of Lime

In addition to the face and hair, the benefits of lemon juice can also be used for general health. For example as a traditional herb for eliminating body odor, treat menstrual pain and clean the nails.

Remove the smell of sweat

Mix lemon juice with a little whiting, and then rub into the armpit. Let stand for a moment, then rinse with clean water. Perform 2 times a day every morning and afternoon. This method is very effective to eliminate body odor due to excessive sweating in the underarm area.

Eliminate pain coming months

Mix the juice of 1 lemon, grated ginger rhizome 1½ thumb, 3 sour fruit eye which is ripe, and 1 slice of coconut sugar with ¾ cup cooking water, stir and strain. Drink on the first day of menstruation. For more details, read the traditional way cope with menstrual pain.

Nails clean and bright

Want to have your nails are clean and bright? Squeeze the water, then use a little lemon juice to rub nails opaque.

In addition to lemon, honey also has many benefits for beauty. A detailed description can be read in the article: Benefits of Honey.

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