The Benefits Of Honey For Beauty


  The Benefits of Honey For Beauty

In the world of beauty many of which utilize honey extract, to take on the properties, the following benefits of honey for beauty

Benefits of Honey For Hair Beauty Face and Lips 

1.Makes The Hair Glowing

How to prepare one tablespoon of honey mixed into one liter of water, basuhkan dirambut washed with shampoo, do not need to be rinsed, in order to obtain a bright and shiny hair

2.Remove Acne

How to apply on the face with acne, let stand one hour and then rinse with water, use regularly for maximum results.

3.Cleaning advance

There is a more natural way than soap to clean the face, using honey. Use honey as a face wash and rinse thoroughly.

 4.Overcoming Dry Lips

Have dry lips? Try mixed honey, olive oil, and cocoa butter to create natural lip balm potent overcome dry lips.

Look At : benefif leaves PAPAYA

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