Creating Natural Masks

9:27:00 PM

Creating Natural Masks


There are many ways to make masks naturally,without us having to go keklinik beauty, we can make it at home,cheap and safe.

 Natural Mask For Dry Skin and Dull

We use a ripe avocado and then we take the fruit, then mix with honey, mix well, then evenly apply on face let stand 15-20 minutes, rinse with water until bersih.lakukan regularly for maximum results.


We use lemon to mask, squeeze lemon take the water to add egg white, then apply on face let sit until dry, rinse with water, do regularly.


Papaya can be used to mask, grab ripe papaya puree and then apply on face let stand 15 minutes then rinse with water until clean.


Bengkoang can be used as a mask, we puree bengkoang then we mix it with yogurt apply on face, leave to dry and then rinse thoroughly for maximum results we use regularly.

Tips Eliminate Menstrual Pain Naturally

Tips Eliminate Menstrual Pain Naturally

Tips Eliminate Menstrual Pain Naturally
How to cope with menstrual pain that we often do usually use drugs, but a good and safe with no side effects have been done by the ancient ie with traditional medicine, the way it was easy to do at home I describe below:


Eliminating Pain Menstrual With Turmeric.

Many of us know of the benefits of turmeric first one to relieve menstrual pain and improving blood flow when haid.Kita preparing brown sugar and grated ginger turmeric and turmeric and ginger then take the juice, boil water enter the brown sugar boiled until boiling drink 2 times a day.

 Lightweight Sports Can Help Relieve Menstrual Pain.

We very mild exercise helps relieve the pain during menstruation, due to mild exercise blood flow will be smooth

How to Cope With Warm Water Dysmenorrhea.

 We  simply do compression with warm water so that blood flow will be smooth, or we soak in warm water


Healthy Food Consumption. 

Consume a variety of foods that contain lots of calcium vitamin D and E, and multiply eating fruits and vegetables, which contain iron such as spinach 

How To Overcome Dysmenorrhea With Bananas. 

Expand to eat bananas during the time before menstruation will relieve menstrual pain.


Eliminates Body Odor Naturally

Eliminates Body Odor Naturally

Eliminates Body Odor Naturally
In their daily lives with hectic activity that often we feel uncomfortable because of the problem of body odor,how to eliminate body odor I will explain.

The human body has numerous frameworks that are always at work, and waste repercussions are just part of that procedure. The digestive procedure results in waste, our skin sweats to discharge waste, and the cells in our bodies are continually supplanting themselves. Generally as we take in sustenance, we put out waste. Personal stench frequently happens when lacking washing or cleanliness neglect to legitimately tidy up the "wrecks" our bodies make. Sweat contains bacterial movement and permitting it to dry on the skin can create personal stench. In any case, it can likewise come about because of systemic lacks inside the body.

Keeping in mind the end goal to practice great cleanliness, it's vital to know how stench regularly happens. Deficient showering or poor cleanliness can prompt an upsetting scent discharged by the apocrine organs, situated in the underarms, privates, and around the areolas, and the eccrine organs, found in the underarms, hands, and feet, when they interface with skin microscopic organisms. 

The sebaceous organs, situated in the scalp, face, and mid-section, produce oil, which has a light scent with or without microscopic organisms. "In the event that individuals have poor cleanliness microorganisms can develop on the skin and make more than simply awful stench," Dr. Jennifer Burns, doctor at The Bienetre Center in Phoenix, Ariz., told Medical Daily in an email.

Betel leaf  

We often encounter products on the market to eliminate body odor or underarm have usedextra betel leaves, I will explain how to remove the smell body, prepare 2 cups of water and 5 pieces of betel leaves and then boiled to boil the water is reduced to 1 cup, then drink every day for better results.

Basil leave 

This leaves many of us know and we often encounter also turned out to be able to eliminate body odor, we eat as often as possible, if the better we can serve as fresh vegetables in every meal menu food.


The next way to eliminate body odor we use clove we simply soak clove until fluffy and then we add the sugar and let stand while drinking.

Lime And Whiting 

Both of these materials was able to be used as body odor remover, how we squeeze the lemon juice and mix with whiting and then we rub on the body bias to clean.

Regular Baths 

With regular bathing our bodies be clean and healthy,beneficial to remove dead skin cells,and the skin will be cleaner.

Remove Cellulite With Natural Ingredients.

Remove Cellulite With Natural Ingredients   


 Remove Cellulite With Natural Ingredients
One way to eliminate cellulite naturally and cheap.There many natural ingredients that can be used to eliminate this cellulite  I will give examples of natural ingredients to get rid of cellulite.


1.Coffee Grounds

Coffee grounds frequently encountered it can be used as a reliever cellulit.Use coffee grounds that have been brewed unsweetened, then we apply the body affected by cellulite let stand 20 minutes then rinse,do regularly for maximum results.


Carrots are frequently encountered can also be used to eliminate cellulite on the body, carrot puree and mix honey and apply on the affected body of cellulite, let stand half an hour and then rinse with water.Use regularly then it would be faster to eliminate cellulite.

3.Aloe Vera

Aloe vera frequently encountered are also good for the skin because it contains vitamin E, which can be used to eliminate cellulite, apply aloe slime on the body affected by cellulite, rinse cleaner use every day for better results.

4.Olive Oil 

Olive Oil that we know a lot of vitamin E and vitamin C are very good for the skin, we apply regularly on the body, the cellulite will disappear.

Getting Rid Of Blackheads Naturally

Getting Rid Of  Blackheads Naturally

Getting Rid Of  Blackheads Naturally

Here are tips to remove blackheads Remove blackhheads naturally you can do at home does not have to go to a beauty clinic.


This fruit has a lot of us know a lot of benefits to health can be used for facial treatment.The trick puree papaya fruit is ripe and then apply on face aside some time, then rinse with water clean do it  every bedtime for maximum results use regularly.

2.Aloe Vera

Aloe vera gel can be utilized for the beauty, the way we take aloe vera gel and then we took part spread to the face that affected blackheads then rinse thoroughly, do it regularly until his blackheads disappear.


Quite easy we just cut the lemon and then we stick to the face or nose blackheads, let stand a few moments, then rinse with water, so that maximum results add almond oil and lemon juice and mix we make both  ingredients.Apply on face let stand 10-15 minutes rinse  with water until clean do it routine for maximum results.

4.Egg Whites

Egg whites can eliminate many benefits including comedo.the do it take egg white used as a mask, we can also add honey, hit Apply to face blackheads, let stand until dry and then rinse thoroughly.

5.Steam Heated

The way is we prepare a bowl of hot water mixed with one tablespoon of salt,put in front on our face for 10 minute.this is blood circulation in this way will be smooth, so it will minimizer dirt that clogged the dirt on the face

Tips To Cope With Pain

8:18:00 PM

Tips To Cope With Pain Waist

Low back pain is a common complaint in everyday life days..and often become an important issue because it could lead to patients no activity .some people this is usually.But if this happens continuously be disturb do not very good

Cope With Pain Waist

This I will explain tips to overcome pain waist:

  • Exercise or sports regular exercise can relax stiff muscles.
  • Always sitting / bent too lightly and movement direction that is different.
  • Hot painful parts with warm water for 15 minutes, scrub with warm beige, on
  • Eat containing protein,vegetables,broccoli,spinach, kale,and green leaves that contain vitamin B.  
  • Eat fruits that contain natural enzymes for back pain, such as watermelon, papaya kiwi. protect surrounding tissue inflammation cells by consuming carrots are rich in antioxidants and vitamins c ginger natural anti-inflammatory.
  • To avoid vegetables such as eggplant, potato, tomato and pepper the sick.

Herbal Medicine :5 Tip Lowering Cholesterol Naturally

1:46:00 PM

Lowering Cholesterol Naturally

For those of you who are having high cholesterol in the body, before it becomes a chronic disease of high cholesterol, there are tips on how to lower high cholesterol naturally

1 avocado

besides fruit tastes good is also useful for lowering bad cholesterol because it contains a lot of saturated fats that are good for the body


besides avocado red pomegranate fruit is also believed to lower high cholesterol levels in the body, this fruit also reduce arterial plaque by increasing nitric oxide in the bod




to lower cholesterol levels then we have to lose weight first fat in this way then we will burn at least 3 times a week. vegetables

vegetable has an extremely high content of fiber and contain lots of antioxidants, good for menagkal free radicals in the body.

5. Do not high cholesterol foods

to reduce cholesterol in the body you should reduce foods that contain lots of high cholesterol such as: fried offal, squid, quail egg, butter, fast food or junk foodour diet in order to keep us healthier life may be useful

The Benefits Of Oranges Make clear skin

7:44:00 AM

The Benefits Of Oranges

known that oranges that we often encounter there are many benefits in addition to the body as well for the skin, as we all know oranges contain vitamin C and rich antioksidan.I will explain the benefits of orange for beauty and health:


1. shrink pores

 pores that open in addition will make the face dull for a woman is very influential in penampilan.caranya we wash our face with orange juice then let stand 15 minutes, rinse with water do regularly for maximum results.

2. cure Acne

 we need to know orange contains citric acid that can reduce the oil on the face and dry up pimples and acne scars is why extra of orange is often used in beauty products.

3. Make clear skin The Benefits Of Orange

orange peel has a natural skin whitening agents that can reduce spots and black spots on kulit.peras fresh orange peel rub evenly let stand 15 minutes, rinse with warm water used regularly for maximum results

4.The Benefits Of Orange toner

enter the orange peel into the boiling water into the refrigerator insert let stand overnight to be used as a toner to do on a regular basis so that the skin becomes bright.

Owering High Blood Pressure Naturally.

5:26:00 AM

Owering High Blood Pessure Naturally.

Actually for lowering high blood pressure can be a variety of methods such as by medical and natural, naturally we have to change the pattern of life, and by using plants that exist around us eg:

High Blood Pessure

1.Basil Leave

Basil High Blood Pessure
Basil is a plant that is already familiar to us, it turns into extra basil leaves is believed to lower high blood pressure or hypertension, basil leaves is believed to lower high blood pressure with rapid and short-lived for that we can eat them as fresh vegetables every menu our meals.

Cinnamon High Blood Pressure


You need to know in addition to spices in our cooking turns cinnamon can also lower blood pressure  can use in any dishes.

 Celery Seed High Blood Pressure

3. Celery Seed

Celery seed also was able to reduce high blood pressure, celery seeds has been known to cure  hypertension.seed celery can be obtained in stores of traditional drug store.

Lose Weight Naturally

6:28:00 AM

Lose Weight Naturally

Lose Weight Naturally

Diet of  warm water and fruit can be trusted to lose weight without any exercise done on a regular basis in order to maximize results:

 success or failure of a diet program that depends on us, diet and lifestyle influence on your diet program, and it takes time to do the lifestyle and eating right and done continuously.

1. Do not Leave Breakfast

in a diet program a lot of people make mistakes with no breakfast, the effect of slowing metabolism, affect the success of your diet, breakfast with a menu that is rich in protein and fiber nutritional milk and eggs.

2.Drinking Water 

Water is very beneficial for the body to remove excess fat, at least 8 glasses per day, reduce drinking a fizzy drink.

3. Moving And Exercising 

 With a lot of moving and exercising can sweat, and will help lower the calories in the  proteinsit turns out the protein in the body is able to burn fat in the body, and will support anda.protein diet program can be obtained on meal oet egg white, wheat

5.Eat  Fibrous 

Fiber has no doubt fibrous food is very good for your health and help you who are doing a diet, these foods are suitable to eat during the day and at night.

The Benefits Of Egg Whites For Beauty

The Benefits Of  Egg

The Benefits Of  Egg Whites For Beauty

  Naturally better than chemicals, it turns out the egg white can also be used for beauty, in addition to easy and cheap eggs can also be obtained where saja.yuh let's read this here are some benefits of egg white:
 egg white beauty many benefits for them:

 1. Make the skin smooth

 The egg white, egg white way is quite grab and use on the face or legs let mengering.lalu rinse with warm water

2.Anti acne

 while also egg contains vitamin E,
 is easy enough take the egg white and then add the yogurt, then add a dab of sandalwood powder on the face teratur.bedak sandalwood also function closes the pores and remove the oilHair

 3.Make Hair Moist

How to apply enough egg whites let stand 2-3 minutes, then rinse with shampoo for maximum results do regularly

 4.Anti  Dandruff

For those of you who want eliminating dandruff turns egg white can also do quite a dab of white eggs on the hair skin let stand 15-30 minutes, then rinse with cold water using anti-dandruff shampoos also so that maximum results,

5. wheal the skin exposed to sunlight

Hite egg which contains protein can also regenerate dead skin cells, how enough egg white mix with honey and lemon, when it is mixed dab on burned skin to dry a few minutes then rinse with water, do it regularly for maximum results.

 6.Make The Skin Taut

Addition to closing the pores are enlarged egg white can also tighten the skin and make the skin moist, how to mix the egg white with avocado and lemon, after mixed apply on face evenly wait until dry and then rinse with warm water do on a regular basis in order to maximize results add moisturizer to the face for maximum results

Herbal Medicine :Benefit Lime For Health Beauty Skin And Hair

1:21:00 PM
Benefits lime is already unquestionable. A myriad of properties contained in this sour fruit from the start as a herbal medicine, as well as a beauty ingredient. As a matter of natural beauty treatment, lime is often used to treat skin, face and hair.

While traditional medicine, lime trusted and proven to cure various diseases. Among them is the disease cough, sore throat and also helps digestion. Further explanation can be read in the article: Benefits of Lime for Health.

Lime Health Benefits for Hair

Benefit Lime
The content of vitamin B in orange indispensable to fertility hair. No wonder our ancestors utilize lime as an ingredient for hair care.

Benefit Lime  Hair fertilize

Rice straw taste, burn to ashes. Prepare 1 lemon, squeeze, take the water. Soak rice straw with water and leave it overnight, then filtered. Add the lime juice, and use it to wash the scalp with a massage. Do it every day. The herb can help nourish the hair.

Overcoming Hair Loss

Take a lemon and squeeze to take water. Then apply on the scalp until evenly distributed. Let stand overnight, and the next wash with water. Perform up to several days. This is one of the traditional ways to cope with hair loss.

Benefit Lime For Health Eliminates dandruff

Squeeze the water, rub lemon juice on the hair and scalp. Let dry for 20-30 minutes, then Wash. Perform two to three times. This method is very effective for eliminating dandruff from the hair and scalp.

Efficacy Lime for Beauty Skin

Not just beneficial for the hair, lemon is also beneficial for skin beauty care. Starting from eliminating acne, black spots on the face, to brighten the skin. Here is an explanation of how to treat them.

Eliminating Acne on Face

Prepare 1 teaspoon of lemon juice and mix with 1 teaspoon of honey. Mix well. After wrapping apply on face and then let sit for 30 minutes until or until dry. After wipe dry with a towel soaked in cold water.

Eliminating Dark Spot

Prepare a lemon, cut in half and rub it into the face gently. Wait for it to dry, wash face with warm water and then rinse with cold water. Do it regularly, but avoid the use jeruknipis on the skin which is being wound caused by acne because it can cause burning to the skin, apply and massage do enough in parts that you need. If done regularly, then the black spots on the face will soon be gone.

Shrink and tighten pores

Thin slices of lemon, rub the meat on the skin, especially in the area around the nose and cheeks pores look larger.

Soften and brighten the skin.

Thin slices of lemon. Rub lemon slices on the face and other body parts that skin looks dull or rough. Besides being able to smooth the skin in this way can also help brighten the skin and whiter.

Relaxation skin

To reduce the tension in the muscles of the arms, legs, or other body parts. Thin slices of lemon, squeeze the water, and add a little water and stir well. Then, rub on the body feels sore. Or, by immersing the part stiffness in lime juice that has been mixed with warm water in a small bucket.

Other benefits of Lime

In addition to the face and hair, the benefits of lemon juice can also be used for general health. For example as a traditional herb for eliminating body odor, treat menstrual pain and clean the nails.

Remove the smell of sweat

Mix lemon juice with a little whiting, and then rub into the armpit. Let stand for a moment, then rinse with clean water. Perform 2 times a day every morning and afternoon. This method is very effective to eliminate body odor due to excessive sweating in the underarm area.

Eliminate pain coming months

Mix the juice of 1 lemon, grated ginger rhizome 1½ thumb, 3 sour fruit eye which is ripe, and 1 slice of coconut sugar with ¾ cup cooking water, stir and strain. Drink on the first day of menstruation. For more details, read the traditional way cope with menstrual pain.

Nails clean and bright

Want to have your nails are clean and bright? Squeeze the water, then use a little lemon juice to rub nails opaque.

In addition to lemon, honey also has many benefits for beauty. A detailed description can be read in the article: Benefits of Honey.

7 Benefits Of Papaya Leaves

The following benefits of papaya leaves that may make you amazed 

 7 Benefits Of  Papaya Leaves

Papaya Leaves

1. The anti-cancer properties

According to research conducted by the journal Ethnopharmacology, papaya leaf juice contains certain enzymes which have cancer-fighting properties against various tumors such as cervical cancer, breast cancer, liver cancer, lung cancer and pancreatic cancer without toxic effects on the body. This makes the papaya leaf extract is often recommended as part of chemotherapy in some parts of the world's population. By regulating T-cell, papaya leaf extract increases the immune system's response to cancer. The leaves are bitter, it contains a lot of anti-cancer substances, which are also found in the leaves binahong benefits.

2. Inhibits Bacterial Growth

Papaya leaf juice contains more than 50 active ingredients including karpain compounds that inhibit the growth of microorganisms such as fungi, worms, parasites, bacteria and various forms of cancer cells. This makes papaya used as an herbal treatment to remove worms in the intestine because they contain tannin. This tannin substances will protect the intestine from re-infection of the lining of the intestinal wall, so that intestinal worms can not stick. Accordingly, papaya will effectively suppress the cause of typhus.

3. Increasing Body Immunity

Another amazing benefit of papaya leaf juice is its ability to fight viral infections such as the common cold virus. Papaya leaves will naturally carry out the regeneration of white blood cells and platelets. Papaya leaf contains more than 50 ingredients including vitamins A, C and E, which supports the immune system.


Papaya Leaf has been found to have anti-malarial properties as well. Accordingly, papaya leaf juice is often used in some parts of the world as a prophylaxis to prevent malaria in certain endemic areas.

5. Prevention of Dengue

Dengue fever is a deadly disease caused by dengue virus is transmitted by Aedes mosquitoes. This disease can be fatal, but so far no specific drug has been formulated for this disease. Painkillers such as aspirin and ibuprofen have its own side effects.Papaya leaf juice is a traditional method to cure dengue fever with no problem side effects. Scientific research and case studies have shown that the extra leaves of papaya contains papain enzyme increase platelets. Pharmaceutical companies are already using the preparation papaya extract in capsules and liquid formulas. Doctors recommend taking 20 to 25 ml of this juice twice a day for a week for quick results

6.Drug Pain When Hena

Well For the women who often experience problems pain during menstruation or menstruation, not hurt you to try traditional prescription drugs menstrual pain of papaya, Want to try the recipe please try the following

The trick pose your fresh papaya papaya leaf, prepare tamarind and salt to taste. Boiled with a glass of water to cook or boil. furthermore wait until the boiled water to cool before you drink it.

7.Preventing and treating diabetes

The next papaya benefits are as anti-diabetic drug. Papaya leaves contain compounds that are able to control blood sugar levels so that the situation will remain stable. Although it can control blood sugar, but you also have to balance it by way of keeping the food you consume. So, all should be able to run in tandem

For information Herbal Medicine : HOW TO TREAT AMBEIEN//HEMORRHOID
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